Lifetime Fitness we are on the verge of starting out new "90 day
challenge." 90 days to go balls to walls towards your goal. 90 days to
keep your focus clear, your head in the game, and the sweat dripping endlessly off
your face.
I wanted to share a simple piece of advice for those of you that are hoping to make some big changes in the next 90 days - or maybe those of you that are feeling stuck post-new years resolution.
This year has been different for me when it comes to achieving my own health goals - Different in that I've actually consistently stuck with them. I know it's only been a month but I've been mastering my workouts, my nutrition, my sleeping, my organization, my stretching, etc. and haven't felt like a chicken with its head cut off. Not trying to sound like I have it all together - but I've definitely discovered a "secret" to success when it comes to fitness. (or really any goal, actually)
This year has been different for me when it comes to achieving my own health goals - Different in that I've actually consistently stuck with them. I know it's only been a month but I've been mastering my workouts, my nutrition, my sleeping, my organization, my stretching, etc. and haven't felt like a chicken with its head cut off. Not trying to sound like I have it all together - but I've definitely discovered a "secret" to success when it comes to fitness. (or really any goal, actually)
"Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out."
Even more then that, success is decisions and habits made one at a time.
Success is waiting to master the first habit before you take on another.
So much of the reason of why I've failed in the past and had to start over multiple times is because I've tried to take on too many things all at one time. (example: I'm going to work out 5x a week, eat healthier, do yoga, and read a new book a month)
Every single one of these things is a brand new habit and combining all of them together at one time is a recipe for failure. Sure, I might be able to do it for a few weeks maybe...but is it sustainable? Am I actually developing habits? Or am I just letting my will power put on a show until one day it becomes too much and I cave?
How about instead I start with one goal. Perhaps, committing to working out 3x a week. When this becomes a "habit", when this starts to feel "normal" and I feel comfortable with it and I'm ready for the next challenge THEN I'll add something new. Perhaps cooking one healthy meal a week (& then I can bring leftovers to work with me), when this becomes comfortable and I'm ready I can maybe add a yoga session 1x per week. Do you see what I'm doing here?
Side note: when I say "wait until it feels comfortable"...keep in mind developing new habits is never "comfortable." I simply mean only taking on one "new" thing at a time.
This is why I've been able to be so successful with my goals this year - because I've finally learned to take them one at a time.
I've waited until I've mastered one before I move onto another.
And what a difference it has made.
If you want to join the 90 day challenge starting this weekend, email me at
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