Monday, January 6, 2014

New beginnings

Made this for my bedroom wall today. First thing I see when I wake up.

Well the new year has come and gone. And so has a month and a half of me not posting aaaaanything. But since it's now the new year I can claim it's a "new beginning" and not feel too badly for my previous failure. :)

New Years is great right? It brings with it so many thoughts of good intentions, feelings of new hope, and dreams with vicious determination. Even those of us that aren't "resolution people" find ourselves thinking that this may in fact be the year we "give up soda" or "work out 4x a week".

I am no different. Even as a trainer, I find myself skipping workouts, cheating on snacks, staying up too late, etc. All for the sake of being way too busy, way too stressed, and letting that effect the choices I make - especially the choices that effect myself. (It's much easier to make time for work and other people then it is to make time for yourself and your own health).

 Today I finally had some time to slow down, reevaluate myself, and come up with a game plan for the year ahead. So with 2014 in mind, here are my 3 goals.

1. Spend 10 mins before bed stretching every day. - stretching. The part of the workout I always skip and always regret, yet have failed to do anything about it except Pilates once a week (which has been amazing by the way). I am devoting 10 mins before bed every day, to help settle me down, relax my body and my brain, and (hopefully) sleep even better.

2. Create a workout plan (in writing) for myself so I am less prone to skip days. - I've always had a workout plan for myself in my head, but have never taken the time to put it in writing. Putting anything in writing makes you much more likely to do it. When I see on paper that I skipped a day, I will be much less likely to skip again. Plus you cant wimp out on a tough workout when its on paper.

3. Make a new food every week from my recipe book. - This is a project I worked on today. I made an entire folder of healthy recipes that Ive gotten from books, magazines, friends, etc. Every week I will begin to go through the book and make one thing per week. (Even if it looks hard, weird, gross) - I will make it anyway. I want to branch out, eat healthier, and learn to cook better. :)

Leave a comment and let me know what some of your goals are! Be creative and a little bit more specific then "work out more"

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